
Press Releases
Contact GPCA Spokespeople with press requests and questions.



Party News

Jan 22 2015
Young Green Ruscal Cayangyang was appointed to the five-member Vallejo City Unified School District Board of Trustees, January 20th, in 3-1 vote by the Board's other four members, to fill a vacancy on the Board.
Nov 6 2014
Led by three present/former Green Mayors, 23 Greens were elected across California in November 4th elections - bringing to 64 the number of Greens holding elected office statewide, up from 60 in June 2014. Eleven of 13 Green incumbents were returned to office in November elections - 12/14 in 2014 overall.  
Oct 30 2014
The following interview is reprinted from Moyers and Company, October 30, 2014. Read the original here and listen here. 
Jun 4 2014
Long-time Green implements Ten Key Values in office
Jun 3 2014
Here are the Green Party of California recommendations for the June 3, 2014 statewide ballot:
May 15 2014
April Clary is the new Green Student Trustee
May 12 2014
Community Choice Aggregation is a tool to achieve substantial greenhouse gas emissions reductions by increasing the use of energy efficiency and new decentralized renewable energy resources, and to stimulate local economies by creating living wage jobs and spurring healthy competition in the energy sector.
May 11 2014
Grassroots Democracy is one of the Key Values of the Green Party. We take transparency and access to information about one’s government very seriously.


Press Releases

Oct 8 2012
If its true that we are what we eat, then there are few things more basic than our right to know what's in our food.
Oct 2 2012
The Green Party supports progressive taxation and addressing climate change and opposes austerity and deregulation that hurts the poor, the middle class and the environment.
Jun 12 2011
Bradley Manning - WikiLeaks' alleged source - is a patriot who is, in part, being persecuted because of anti-Gay bias, according a Green Party of California organizer here preparing to participate in this Sunday's LGBT Pride Parade.
May 12 2011
As teachers and students protest at the State Capitol this week, a Green Party school board member from Hollister, Ca. said today the state of California "has undermined public education through underfunding schools" and warned the long term costs because of that will be "even more costly." He said the answer to the budget crisis is for the "rich to pay their fair share."
May 9 2011
The Green Party of California Monday said its party members are joining and supporting actions by thousands of teachers, students and social justice activists here to "occupy" the State Capitol this week to pressure the Legislature and Governor to rethink their plans of hurting the most vulnerable in the state in order to balance the budget. The Green Party noted that the Capitol is bipartisan - Democrats and Republicans - in deciding to let the very wealthy go largely unscathed while the sick, poor, young and the elderly bear the brunt of proposed budget cuts.
May 5 2011
The Green Party of California General Assembly meeting here has approved a Tax Reform Plan for California which stresses a "progressive" tax structure calling for "personal responsibility" in the state tax code.
Apr 22 2011
The Green Party of California has issued a grim reminder regarding upcoming Earth Day, calling for an end to "compromise" that has led to disasters like the BP oil spill and the nuclear tragedy in Japan and more effort to take positive steps to build a new energy infrastructure that is kinder and gentler to the planet.
Apr 19 2011
The Green Party of Los Angeles County announced today that it will recommend Marcy Winograd and Mike Chamness in the 36th Congressional District race on May 17th.
