![](http://www.feinstein.org/pix/GPCAovergrowgov1992.jpg) |
![](http://www.feinstein.org/pix/Californiatiedye1992.jpg) |
Green Party of California Bi-lingual English/Spanish, 2011 |
Green Party of California Overgrow the Government', 1992 |
Green Party of California tie-dye', 1992 |
![](http://www.feinstein.org/pix/GPCAforest1992.jpeg) |
![](http://www.feinstein.org/pix/GPCAleafygee.jpeg) |
![](http://www.feinstein.org/pix/GPCAleafygeeinverse.jpg) |
Green Party of California Vote Green: For the people, for the Earth, 1992 |
Green Party of California 'Leafy G', date unknown |
Green Party of California 'Leafy G', date unknown |
![](http://www.feinstein.org/pix/GPCAstatesunflower.jpg) |
![](http://www.cagreens.org/lacounty/images/shirt_gpca_renew.jpg) |
![](http://www.feinstein.org/pix/HumboldtCo.CA1997.jpg) |
Green Party of California 'State Sunflower', late 1990s |
Renewing America's Hope California Green Party - origins unknown
Humboldt County Green Party 1997
![](http://www.feinstein.org/pix/CaliforniaGreening1998.jpg) |
![](http://www.feinstein.org/pix/HamburgAmir,1998.jpg) |
![](http://www.cagreens.org/lacounty/images/shirt_gp_sd.jpg) |
Hamburg/Amir 1998 Gov/Lt.Gov campaign |
Hamburg/Amir 1998 Gov/Lt.Gov campaign
Green Party of San Diego County
![](http://www.cagreens.org/lacounty/images/shirt_bike_peace.jpg) |
![](http://www.cagreens.org/lacounty/images/shirt_gpca_damon_1.jpg) |
![](http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8011/7303958536_b2393ae210_m.jpg) |
Vote Peace Green Party designed by Santa Clara Green Valerie Face |
Green Party of California 1991 designed by Venice Green Damon Goldstein
Green Party of California mid-1990s?
![](http://www.cagreens.org/lacounty/images/shirt_gg96_critical_mass.jpg) |
![](http://www.cagreens.org/lacounty/images/shirt_gg96_dates.jpg) |
![](http://www.cagreens.org/lacounty/images/shirt_gpow.jpg) |
Building Critical Mass Green Gathering '96 UCLA, Los Angeles designed by (then) Long Beach Green Joe Linton |
Green Gathering '96 UCLA, Los Angeles designed by Venice Green Damon Goldstein
Green Parties of the West Santa Monica, February 1993 designed by Venice Green Damon Goldstein |